4342528 Ignitor Options

This round carborundum ignitor from Whirlpool has a 3-1/2″ body with 9″ wires and an amperage range from 2.5 to 3 amps. The 4342528 ignitor can be replaced with a less expensive model from Frigidaire: 5304401265 (less expensive here at the moment- it’s always good to compare prices when ordering).

Whirlpool 4342528 Ignitor
Whirlpool 4342528 Ignitor
5304401265 Frigidaire Round Ignitor
5304401265 Frigidaire Round Ignitor

The ends are different on the 5304401265 ignitor but it does come with porcelain wire nuts so you can use it no matter what the existing plug looks like. Alternate part #’s GR403 RGB2 41-208.