GE Refrigerator Fan Motor Madness

GE had a DC motor that moved air in the fresh food section of the refrigerator and it turned into a problem… The original motor numbers were WR60X26866 and WR60X26033.  These little motors looked just like computer fans and to replace them, GE was subbing to a kit that included new software for the board (kit WR49X25197).  This was a complicated procedure for some customers and it brought about some frustration.


We were able to get our hands on some original WR60X26866 motors. These plug right in and don’t require any software update.  They are also less expensive than the kit.

But the subbing doesn’t end there.  Now GE has a motor they say will replace all these other motors (including the kit) and it’s plug & play.  New motor WR60X29099 is all you will need to get that refrigerator air moving and keep everything fresh.

Is this the end of the subbing?  Where did the mysterious software update go and what did it do? I’m not sure.  But I do know the WR60X29099 is more reasonably priced than some of the previous solutions so that’s good.