Is the Blower Motor Failing On My HVAC System?

York HVAC System

When it comes to at-home AC repair, the blower motor can be a common wear item that requires periodic replacement. The blower motor drives your AC unit’s fan, which propels the cool air into your home through the ducts. When your blower motor goes out, often the effects are palpable and can be extreme depending on the season. This is why it’s super important to know the initial warning signs for blower motor failure, and how it could adversely affect your home’s conditions.

Less Airflow

One of the key warning signs you may notice early on when it comes to the condition of your blower motor is the amount of airflow in your home. If you notice a considerable decline in the amount or quality of airflow, you may want to consider inspecting your unit further. This can become especially noticeable with vents that are located farther from your main AC unit. Two story homes especially may notice a lack of airflow to the upper level of the house. This could mean that your blower motor could fail. There may be additional dirt and debris packed into the unit, or a bad capacitor.

Total Loss of Airflow

An obvious sign your motor has failed would be a total lack of airflow. This could be caused by a lack of general maintenance, persistent issues within the system, or a bad part. Depending on the season, this loss of airflow could be catastrophic, and you may want to consider dispatching a technician to your home immediately. Scheduling routine maintenance with your preferred vendor will aid in preventing any possible accidents.


Noise can be a dead giveaway when it comes to faults with your blower motor. A rattling sound could indicate a ball bearing needs replacement, or that there may be loose hardware in the system. While these may not be indicative of a direct motor failure, noise can be helpful in identifying potential issues. If you hear a noise, consider doing a once-over of your system and seeing if you notice anything causing the noise. If the issue persists, you may want to consider replacement. Make sure you note the conditions in which the noise occurs, such as when the system is running. Does it rattle the whole time the system is on? Getting as much information on the front end can help you better diagnose and address your concerns.

High Energy Bills

Nobody likes breaking the bank when the bill comes around. If your system is running in poor condition, it could very well have an effect on your monthly bill. Now, there are lots of potential causes for high bills. If you’ve ruled out other potential causes, you may want to consider that your blower motor could be the cause. Dirty motors, or worn motors will not operate efficiently, which will tack on expenses to your monthly bills.

Strange Odors

If you notice any strange smells coming through your HVAC system, it could be that there’s a faulty part somewhere in the system. The smells could be coming from a number of things. It could be that there’s excessive friction between two parts, the motor may be dirty, or something else. Excessive heat generation can be potentially hazardous. Disengage the system if anything smells like it’s burning.

When it comes to ensuring the best possible quality out of your HVAC system, everything comes down to the right parts. At A1, we’re committed to having the parts you need available directly to you. Any make or model, we pride ourselves on keeping our stock readily available for you. Got a part that’s hard to find? We love a challenge. Check out our vast catalog of HVAC parts available now by visiting our website now: Shop HVAC Parts from A-1 or call us for help at 1-800-841-0312.