GE Appliance Parts

A few years ago GE considered selling the appliance division to a competitor. For whatever reason, that didn’t happen and today GE is investing massive amounts of money in their US based appliance manufacturing. This is exactly the opposite of what has been happening in recent years!

GE will also benefit from the ruling Whirlpool got against some foreign companies that imposes higher tarrifs on appliances coming from South Korea and Mexico.

It might not be obvious but, for an appliance parts company, having US built models and US based distribution is extremely important. When I have to order a part from GE it is usually here in 3 to 4 days… and people really don’t like to wait that long even. Guess how long it takes to get an LG or Samsung part that doesn’t happen to be in stock in the US? Your guess is as good as mine because I’ve never had a customer wait long enough to find out (time is measured in months not days on this type back order).

Thank you General Electric! Maybe there’s hope for American manufacturing & distribution yet.

GE dryer parts | GE refrigerator parts | GE oven parts | GE dishwasher parts | GE washer parts